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Be the Beacon

Be the Beacon The Arcturians through Anara WhiteBear

This is a time of counterbalance. It is a time when those who wish to be the light feel heavy. This feeling is not pleasant, but it is important, because you will teach others. These times have been difficult, and there is more awareness that will come up from the depths, the basement, the subconscious. As these experiences — and the feelings that come with them — arise, you must allow the feelings to come through you and not suppress them.

The counterbalance to your light is letting go of the heaviness in your being, for it is not needed now. But the understanding of what you have been through is needed, for those who continue to go through these experiences need those who have already gone through them to come out the other side.

You are the counterbalance — the scale. You have experienced both: the heavy and the lightest of light. Within you, there is a new understanding that says, “It is all okay.”
