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A New Perspective: Metaphysical Ecology

A New Perspective: Metaphysical Ecology Jaap van Etten

We tend to think inside the box. The box contains the collective consciousness of humanity in our reality colored by the specific environment in which we grew up and currently live and work.

Most of us do not like to think too far outside the box because we are afraid of the possible consequences. Others may no longer like us; we may lose friends and even the support of our family. For many, thinking inside the box creates feelings of safety and belonging, whether true or imagined. However, this attitude and approach to life could prevent us from making changes that help us to connect with our true selves.

Most people will agree that humanity's current way of functioning harms our health and well-being, as well as that of the planet and all that lives on it. On many fronts, people are talking about the need for change; however, change has been minimal.
