EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Create Peace with Each Step
EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Create Peace with Each Step Maria Yracébûrû
diiyin’s note: My friends, this is a magnificent thing. The people come together in groups looking for ways to facilitate peace. I speak with permission. Those who can, move forward!
Star Path bridge to Changing Mother, as we stabilize in the fifth world, shima’lii (Aunty Horse), it’s easier to leave overwhelming feelings behind. We balance with Earth. Our emotions — and the weather — change. Let us share love.
Ch’ináyihi’dílii ída’ii nig’godzán okaahí nakia: Freedom in Earth life prayers (Rainbow Serpent). We begin a new time in our evolution. We moved into this paradigm in 2012, and gradually, we are mutating into fifth-world beings. As we consciously choose to make this journey, so our awarenesses expand dimensionally until we own our truth without judgment.