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Awakening the Feminine to Balance Force and Power

Awakening the Feminine to Balance Force and Power Merlia through Steve Rother

Greetings, dear ones. I am Merlia. I have waited a very long time to come in and help to balance some of the energy on planet Earth. I am what the Keeper calls a singularity, a singular aspect of what he has labeled as the group. I am the one who holds the feminine aspect of this collective and, yes, of Merlin. It is that magic that you have known over the many lifetimes you have invested on Earth. I hold the flavor of light that you call feminine. I express as a singularity to help the power shift that is about to begin on Earth.

All humans are in rapid motion at this time, so please understand there is no one on planet Earth who is simply taking up space. You all have very specific purposes, intents, motions, and goals you are moving toward, and you hold a place in the new world order. Today I will be sharing tools specifically aimed at balancing the feminine, the power aspect. When describing masculine-feminine balance, we could use many illustrations, but perhaps the simplest way to think about this is force versus power.

Although power is not always feminine, that’s a good way to think of it during this transition. So the question becomes this: How can you bring your power to the table without forcing it? That is controlled by the feminine aspect in all beings. The feminine aspect is being called into your reality right now to balance the fear that is causing much separation on Earth. Humans have mostly been in survival mode until now. In that mode, the perception is survival of the fittest, so those who are strongest always seem to win. This was as it should be, but if you step up the vibrational ladder a bit, you will find balance is possible.
