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Traveling ETs Change Trajectory of Meteor So It Misses Moscow

Traveling ETs Change Trajectory of Meteor So It Misses Moscow Traveler through Robert Shapiro

February 13, 2013


Now, I’m sure it hasn’t gone unnoticed that not only is this the most significant meteorite to hit Earth in a little more than a hundred years but it is in practically the same place as the one a hundred years ago! So, as you know, coincidences — as delightful a topic as they might be — are not coincidental, as your friend Zoosh says. He believes in “noncoincidences,” and that is the case here. Meteor Disaster in Moscow Avoided

There is an energy in Earth that is what I would call an energy of last resort — meaning that if a meteorite’s going to come down in a general area of the Northern Hemisphere, then that general area is drawing it to that space. You have to keep in mind that the last time a big meteorite came down, the town that now exists — the one where, unfortunately, all the suffering took place — was not so much a factor then. So what didn’t happen — but what could’ve happened — is that the object could’ve come down right in the middle of a highly populated area in Moscow.

So the meteorite was going to hit Earth and that was that, but the trajectory was altered quite a few days before the event so that it would hit a place that was the very least worst. But at the last moment, the object was struck by a high-speed thing you could call “space junk,” a very small object. And there was a very slight deflection, very slight. But it is measurable mathematically. So unfortunately it got a little too close to the town and the peoples.

Now, you probably wonder who I am. We are travelers. We do not generally approach your planet, for your planet — not all of its peoples, but those who would attempt to, well, to defend. You understand that it’s an attempt to defend the planet and that they would behave in that fashion because the suspicion is not about those from other planets but those who are planetary-based, you understand? As a result, we don’t wish to be caught up in an undeclared shooting war. So we don’t come too close to the planet, and neither do others.

Certain vehicles, however, are able to come close to the planet now — I am not on such a vehicle — because they are immune to your current defense systems. And so, as a result, they are able to just show up briefly — not so much to see, but to be seen, because the plan was always to begin being seen by the largest number of peoples, really starting a couple of years ago. And the only delay has to do with the hostilities. But now there are vehicles that, as I say, are not vulnerable to such hostilities, and they will be seen more and more. To anticipate your question, I will just say there is a way this can be done with the vehicles not being vulnerable, but obviously I’m not going to say how we’re here.

I wanted to bring this up because you obviously have an illustration for the cover of your magazine, which is what you wanted, and also for you to know that there are those attempting to protect you. I’m not trying to appeal to various government agencies on your planet; they just don’t know who is who and where something is from, and so they sort of shoot first …

And ask questions later.

Ah, that’s what you say — a joke. And that’s happening, not all the time but sometimes. So we are here to protect you, for the most part. It would’ve been catastrophic had it come down in the middle of a populated, sophisticated city like Moscow, so …

Were you the ones that deflected it?

We were able to deflect it very slightly, but again, the deflection was an attempt for it to go to an area where there was the least number of people. But this last-minute deflection was caused by just a small thing that hit it, and it just changed it just slightly. It was too late to do anything by then. So that is unfortunate, but at least it did not come down in a major metropolitan area.

That’s wonderful.

Space Travelers Without a Home Planet

Who are you? Can you say? You and your people?

We are not from this galaxy. We like to refer to ourselves as travelers because we do not identify, at this stage of our civilization, with any given planet. We live on the vehicle that we travel in. It’s fairly large, but it doesn’t hold hundreds of thousands of people or anything like that. But it’s large enough to hold our fixed population, which does not exceed 3,000. Sometimes it’s a little less but never more.

I can’t really say where we’re from. I will simply say that we’re from another galaxy.

How long have the beings on the ship been attached to this ship and not to a planet?

Well, what we would call a hundred generations, but I’m not sure if I can put it into years. Just a moment. Of course, your time is changing, but it will have to be approximate. [Pause.] Well, let’s just say it’s more than a million years — not much more than that, though.

How long do you live?

It depends. It’s a cyclical thing — not based on time, but based on what we wish to do in a given life and how we wish to do it — so it depends. It would usually not be less than 1,000 years and usually not be more than 50,000 years. That’s all I can say. This is not unusual, by the way. We’ve run across many civilizations like ours — not necessarily who are travelers, but whose lives are based in terms of the quantity, of the length of time, entirely on what one wishes to do with a given life as compared to how long one has to do it.

You see, that is much more practical than what you have to deal with. Your souls come in, and you have just so much time that you are going to do what you came here to do, which is very often why your souls might have a series of eight or ten lives to accomplish this one thing, and you come back to Earth. You might go to other places. In short, you have to go on for a while in order to accomplish this one thing.

Well, yours is project based, almost.

Yes, that’s a good description. So what we do is: With travel, generally those who navigate the vehicle, they’re more aware of the consensus: “Where do we want to go? What do we want to do? What is attracting us? What is pulling us?” Sometimes, as in the case of helping out your planet: “Where are we needed?” But generally it’s “What do we feel pulled toward?” And this would just be a direction, and we would just move in that direction until we feel the strongest sense of “This is the area,” and then we’d start looking around. And when we find that specific place, well, then we might be there for a while.

The Travelers’ Last Stop Before Earth

Give me an example of the last place before Earth that you were pulled to or attracted to.

I’ll try to use your terminology. It was in, I think, in the Orion system. There was a solar system there that was badly damaged, and we don’t claim to be creators, but we were able to help. They were, apparently, involved in a re-creation — attempting to re-create a civilization. But the planet was no longer able to sustain that re-creation. And they [chuckles], albeit somewhat stubbornly, were still attempting to do it and making corrections, you might say — not unlike your computer systems.

Something’s not quite right, so you sort of put a Band-Aid over something and then try to make it work. They were doing something like that, but we showed them what the ultimate outcome was going to be no matter what they did. So they were reluctant then, but they allowed us to help them to get to another place that we thought would be much more likely to be able to sustain and welcome such a civilization, which was not in the Orion system, but it was actually considerably farther away. But it was also just perfect for them.


Humanoid, but not what I would call “human beings.”

What damaged their system?

They seemed to have some damage to the atmosphere, which had created an instability in the planet. The planet wasn’t going to blow up or anything like that, but the planet would cease to have a viable atmosphere; as such, it would be quite vulnerable to being hit by passing objects. So even if they put in an underground civilization, which they were trying to do, it would not be safe.

Choosing Destination Planets

So are you mostly drawn to places where you can help, not to places where you are curious or intrigued or want to learn something?

No, the other. Not curious — it’s not about curiosity. It’s entirely about feeling. If we feel drawn to a place, we feel the pull and we might turn around and say, “How does this feel?” If we feel drawn to a place — if one of us feels drawn to a place — we will all feel it. We’re like a family that way. We all feel drawn to a place, and that’s the direction we go. If the need is present — and the need was present there on our end — and we went there and helped them out and moved them. But it wasn’t a great number of people, and it didn’t take us that long to move them to a new place.

We generally go to places that we feel drawn to. And we don’t feel drawn because something’s drawing us, although that’s possible; we just might feel good, have a good feeling for going in a particular direction, and that’s what we do most of the time. Only occasionally, if we feel someone is in need — individuals or many on a planet — then we will go and see if we can help.

So what’s an example of a place you were drawn to that didn’t have people in need?

Well, it was just a place in space. It felt very nice. It wasn’t a planet.

So you just stayed there?

We stayed there for a while, and eventually we felt drawn to somewhere else.

Why the Travelers Came to Earth

Were you in this area, our neighborhood, or were you drawn here by our need to have that meteorite change trajectory?

We were drawn on the basis of your planet sending a signal. We noticed the signal — your planet was attempting to draw the object to a very remote area. Unfortunately, there was one person there, but other than that, there was nobody else and the object could just go in and do what it was going to do — after a considerable amount would’ve burned off, of course, coming through your atmosphere. But we noted it. We do tend to note things that are whizzing through space, looking like they’re going to hit something at some point. But that’s part of life — it isn’t our job to interfere with life.

What we normally do when there are things hurtling through space like that, we normally just track them to see where they’re going to wind up. And it was quite obvious that object was going to wind up in a densely populated area of the planet. Plus we could see that hundreds of thousands of people would be horribly affected, so we couldn’t ignore that. We acted on our own volition.

So you heard the planet …

We felt that we had permission.

You said it was no coincidence that this meteor hit in the same place in Russia. Does that mean that someone changed the trajectory of the meteorite that crashed into the Tunguska River area one hundred years ago?

No. It is like a last-resort system in the planet. The planet has places, okay, not so much anymore, but places where the planet does not want to be hit by an object. But still, if one is going to be hit, then it would be better here rather than there, so to speak. The planet has such a place there, that general area, where there is still quite a bit of open space. Earth has made it clear that if the planet has to be hit, this would be a place that would be all right to be hit.

I think it’s important that those who are attempting to establish a civilization in and around that place know that so that as few people as possible will be on the surface. I think an underground civilization, as long as it’s at least, say, a minimum of what you would call a mile or half a mile or so under ground. That would be all right in all of those areas, but a surface civilization in that general area of Earth is going to potentially be under threat from such objects. It’s just something Earth has set up herself, and no other beings have been involved in that decision.

So is there some attractive mechanism there, something that pulls the meteor there?

I do not know that. I just know that it’s not an accident that it hit in the same general area. This is something Earth will have done as a planet. If you wish to speak to a planetary advisor, then I could step aside.

No, you’re great.

The Origin of the Travelers’ Civilization

Can you tell me something more about yourself?

Our civilization is quite old. This is something that you might find interesting: Our civilization — in its inception, in its beginning — as travelers, we did not come from one place. The people who joined the civilization very early on — the founders, you might say — came from different places, and they all had one thing in common. And that is that they liked to travel around, experience new things, and move on the basis of where they felt attracted, or where you might say they were drawn to, and to a degree, what your instinct wants you to do.

Since we are physical beings, we have physical feelings not unlike you, and thus we can be drawn to a place. Conversely, if we’re not supposed to go somewhere or a place doesn’t feel good, it would be the opposite — we would be repelled from a particular area. So then the founders came from all over the universe, really, and started out with one or two and tended to collect beings along the way who had come in to have a life of traveling. “Migrating,” you might say. This is how we started some time ago.

There are people alive on your own planet right now who at one time had a connection to our civilization because they wished to travel. And, perhaps even more interestingly, there are people on your planet who, if they had the opportunity, would join our civilization or one like it, where you don’t have a fixed point of reference for home — you just go around where everybody wants to go. When everybody wants to go to the same place, there is unanimity and it’s very comforting. Everybody looks forward to getting there, wherever “there” is, and they are comfortable and happy when they arrive.

So I think the reason that I’m coming through today to speak to you, feeling attracted to do that, is that there are so many of your own kind of people, human beings, on Earth who really like to travel in a similar fashion. There are very few, however, that do not really need or desire an actual home base, a place they can have their stuff, you might say. But there are some. And they are possibly candidates to join with us at some point in a life, or there are a few other vehicles like this from other groups of travelers.

I think the reason we have a limit on this vehicle is that it is only so big and everybody wishes to have a certain amount of space. Okay, some people, even though they might be allotted the same space, don’t really need it, and they let other people sort of spread into their space [chuckles]. But, generally speaking, everybody is allotted the same space.

Not the Only Space Travelers Out There

We have met two other vehicles in our travels, vehicles just happening to be in the same general area, so the option is available.

Were the other ships about the same size as yours or bigger?

One of them was much, much bigger, and one of them was about the same size. I think their limit might have been 7,000, based on what we would consider enough space for individuals to live — or groups of individuals, if they choose to do that. But one of the ships could’ve accommodated 100,000, easily.

Interestingly enough, that doesn’t mean that they’ve been doing this longer. It just means that apparently this feeling, this desire to travel, has intensified over the last 50,000 years or so, because they have been doing this for only about the last 60,000 years, even though they had a very large vehicle, and apparently one that could expand. So they were not limited.

They had slightly over 100,000 individuals, and they said that they could comfortably accommodate 150,000. I couldn’t see how, but then later on it occurred to me that the ship could be expanded somehow.

So where should Earth people send their résumé?

Not necessary. All you have to do is, when you are between lives, if you still have that feeling — see, it might just be a feeling on Earth — between lives, then perhaps you’ll be able to join such a civilization. The Life Cycles and Physical Bodies of the Travelers

Okay. How long have you lived so far?

I personally have been, in terms of your years, so that you can measure them, about 35,000 years.

And do you know how long your anticipated life is?

We don’t figure such things out, because my life will last as long as it needs to last in order to do what I’m in this life to do. And I’m not going to share that. I don’t wish to share personal information.

Okay, there were just a few travelers on your ship at first, so have all the additions to the founders come by normal reproduction and were they then ensouled by whoever was interested?

Oh, you’re asking whether our civilization is based on the human civilization of birth and death and so on?

Yes, and if not, then what is your system?

It’s not based on your system. Generally speaking — obviously the founders are no longer with us — generally speaking, the beings who join us all do so when they are mature. Nobody is born on the ship. People do come to the end of their cycle, yes, and then others are added from wherever we’re going. You might say that’s where the population fluctuates a bit. You said before, “Tell us about a place you went.” One time we went to a place and it was just space. It’s not unusual for us to go to a place that’s just space. When we’re there, usually at some point somebody joins us. That’s why we’re there — because somebody would like to join us. Most of the time, that’s what it is. Other times, occasionally, we’re just there because the space feels good to us and that’s what we said. But that’s how people join us. We don’t have a birth-death thing.

Well, do you pair up? Do you have mates?

Those who wish to do that, yes.

But you don’t …

Some do not. Some just don’t. We certainly have friends. But if you’re asking about intimacies, I’m not really comfortable talking about that.

Can you share what some of the various friends look like? I’m assuming you have many, many different kinds.

Well, we do. It’s a little hard to know how to describe them.

Can you start with yourself?

All right. I have two arms, two legs, and a body — like that. I … just a moment. [Pause.] I’m only supposed to give you a vague description because in your travels from Earth, when you start doing that as a people, you’re not going to meet us.

If we’re not going to meet you, then why can’t we know what you look like?

There’s a reason. I do not know that reason, but the beings who protect and insulate your planet, they know these things. And so, let’s just say that people look all ways on this ship, including some that are lightbeings but wish to be with others who are physical, and some who do not move — you would say “do not move,” but they do not say that because their motion happens within. I don’t know how to describe it to you in ways that you can accept. There are three actual human beings who have joined us, but they are not from your planet.

Personal Background on the Space Traveler

Okay. What’s the most exciting thing you ever did as you traveled? Well, let me ask you this: How did you join?

Do you mean how I joined?

Or how, when, why — you know?

Oh, I joined some time ago. I was about 1,000 years into my life and really just wished to migrate. I was on a much smaller vehicle. It was really a one-person vehicle, but there were two of us on the vehicle — just myself and my mate — and we traveled. So that’s what we did, but my mate came to the end, and I was unhappy. And I think my unhappiness as a traveler was detected by the ship that I’m now on, and one day there was this very large ship nearby, and I was quite surprised that it stopped and was just sort of pacing me.

Of course I inquired, and they told me who they were, told me that they were travelers like me, and that if I liked, I could come for a visit, and if I liked it enough, I could stay. So I did. I went for a visit, and I loved the place. It was filled with people like me! They didn’t look like me, most of them, but that’s not a factor. They all wanted to travel, and they wanted to do exactly what I had been doing. And I immediately made friends and well …

You’re still there.

It was lovely, and I was able to let go of my sadness. I kept the ship for a while, but after a while I didn’t need it anymore. I realized I was going to be on this other ship, and we gave it to somebody in our travels.

But you originally came from some planet somewhere?

Initially, yes. But it was a planet where there were very few people. And one day the ship arrived, a little ship, with the being that was going to become my mate. And it was so wonderful to meet someone who wanted to go places and do things — a traveler. I asked if I could go, and that’s how I left.

I didn’t mind leaving, because the planet was a very large planet. I would compare it in size to your planet Saturn, and yet, in terms of individuals, there were less than one hundred, and they were scattered all over. I’m not entirely sure how I came to be there, but I met one or two others while I was there. I was very lonely, and the others wanted to stay on the planet. They seemed to like solitary life, but I didn’t. So when my beloved showed up on the planet in her little vehicle, I was just thrilled, and … so I got personal after all.

That’s beautiful. So she was drawn by your longing, right?

It’s possible. I think she was drawn because she must have known I would be the perfect mate for her. I think she was drawn by love.

That’s beautiful.

The Planet of Living Rivers

Okay, so now, during these 35,000 years — thirty-four — what are one or more examples of the most interesting things that you did?

Of course I have to gear that to what you would consider interesting, but …

Oh no — what you consider interesting.

No, there’s no point in saying that. I think that we went to a planet once that I would call the Planet of the Living Rivers. The planet had surface and under-surface rivers. If you were to see the planet as an Earth person, you would say, “There’s nobody living on this planet.” But the rivers were all alive.

We noticed the planet because planets with water are not that typical, but it was a beautiful planet — a little bigger than the one you’re on now — and someone said, “Oh, look at that!” (You know, they said it in a language we could understand, but I’m putting it in your words, of course). And they said, “Look, now watch!” And we all watched, and the rivers suddenly changed. You know, on your planet, the way rivers sort of go in and out and so on? The river was actually in motion. The rivers didn’t stay in riverbanks; they moved where they wished to be. So that’s why I call it the Planet of the Living Rivers. We were fascinated by that.

We stayed there for some time. I thought that was really special because it reminded us that all water is alive — of course, we knew that, but no one that I know on the ship, nor in any information I had heard of before seeing this planet, mentioned “living rivers.” And we were able to communicate with one of the rivers that was resting for some reason, but at times it would move suddenly [chuckles] and startle us, so we had to get used to that. Then the planet itself said that it wished to have water on the surface and under the surface also, but the under-the-surface water seemed to be more associated with the planet, whereas the surface water, the living rivers, were visitors.


Yes, and they felt comfortable on the planet because of the under-surface water. And they were quite amazing. At a casual glance, you would’ve assumed they were just like on your own planet — rivers. But a more lengthy look, and you might say, “This is not like any river we’ve ever seen on Earth, eh?” So, you know, we were really fascinated.

One of the rivers told us that the rivers had traveled for some time in an object that looked a lot like … what can I say? Imagine a faceted circle that looks like a crystal, roughly round but faceted. They traveled in that for some time, and then they found this planet. And then the planet had apparently welcomed the idea of water on the surface, so they’d been there for some time. And we thought that was fantastic.

Absolutely! Was the vehicle still there so they could leave when they wanted?

Yes, the vehicle was there, so if they wished to go on, it would be available.

So the surface must have been rocky, because if it was not, they would take the land with them when they move, right?

It didn’t look rocky to me; it looked more powdery.

So did they scrape the powder with them when they moved, or … ?

No, they didn’t move the powder. Imagine putting your hand in something powdery, and it’s very deeply powdery — but imagine if your hand could just go in and come out without picking up even the tiniest atom of the powder. So the water can move around on the surface, but it doesn’t pick up anything.

As I say, a casual look and you’d say, “Oh, a river.” But unlike on your planet, where rivers carry the soil and such, those rivers didn’t do that. They were who they were, and they didn’t pick up anything from anybody else. So they’re on the surface, and when they’re present, they might press into the surface, but they don’t pick up any matter.

That’s amazing. So you go all over the universe, or you stick to a few galaxies, or … ?

A moment. [Pause.] All right, you can continue, but we cannot go on for much longer.

The Total Compatibility of the Travelers

Do you have memories of coming from another universe in your history? Oh no, not if there are only a hundred people on that planet — you wouldn’t know, would you?

I do not have that memory. But then, I didn’t know how I got on that planet, so I don’t have that memory.

So do you go all over this universe or do you just stay in a certain area or what?

Well, you could say that we go all over this universe, because we don’t have limits, but we haven’t been all over this universe. I think that would take a very considerable number of lifetimes.

So everyone on the whole ship has to feel good about going somewhere?

Everybody on the ship.

So how do you handle it when you have … does it ever come up that one person wants to go one way and one the other?


You are remarkably cohesive.

Not really. We’re all compatible, totally compatible, with each other. And some peoples are a little more receptive than others, and these are the ones that usually get the feeling to start moving off in another direction. And then others like that, if they get that feeling, then they all get that feeling, and we know it because they’ll turn and face that direction — if they’re able to turn, all right? And then, generally speaking, we’ll all try facing that direction, and when it feels good to us, then we go in that direction. But we don’t actually go in that direction until it feels good to everybody. That’s how it works.

And have you become more sensitive over all these years because you live that way?

Yes, I have. It’s actually a good thing. I’m much more conscious of how my physicality works as a result.

What the Travelers Eat

How do you eat? Do you grow your own food, or do you stop and pick it up, or what?

Some of us do not consume food, as you would understand it — we just interact with the atmosphere, the vehicle. And for others who need to consume food, there are available garden spaces to grow what they need. But we are all what you would call vegetarians.

So do you trade? Do you ever come to a planet and trade, or find something you like there that you’d like to incorporate into your diet, or …?

No, no. Generally speaking, no one joins the ship without having all that they need or the knowledge of what they need so that it can be created or re-created for them to sustain them. You can’t just hop on board and say, “Let’s go!” without … it would be the same for you. If you were moving somewhere, you know, some distance away, and there was nothing there, you would have to take what you needed along, wouldn’t you? Or at the very least, you would take a supply, and you’d have to be able to reproduce your own food.

How did you do that when you first came there from the little ship? Did you have a supply on your ship?

Yes, I had a supply of what I needed to consume, and I was able to make it work on this vehicle.

Has your vehicle ever been seen or photographed?

We’ll have to stop.

Well, I’ve enjoyed talking to you. Thank you very much.

Good night.
