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Tools for Conscious Living

The Ancient Tradition of Oil Essences

Heather Robb

For many years, I have been called to make flower and gem essences in sync with our global healing, and I have found that each one is sacred and powerful. During these times of the new light, I began to wonder what else I could do or make to aid the process for other people and for Earth.

Pendulums for All

Dean Fraser

Dowsing is an incredibly efficient way to nurture, trust, and develop a direct link to our intuition. Once we learn to trust our intuition, life takes on a whole new meaning and gets interesting in many ways, as you will discover.

The Mighty I Am Presence Has Decreed the Victory of the 980 Light of the Benevolent Epoch Lasers

The Ascended Masters
Dr. Raja Merk Dove

Our Beloved Zadok RA Osiris, high priest from Jupiter, says that we welcome humanity today to a new 980 light-filled door opening for Epoch Lasers with full solar and lunar blessings. The phoenix bird rebirths itself every 500 years.

The Science of Oneness

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. — William Blake

Collective Joy

Heather Robb

The time is here. New energies are flooding Earth. We need to stop and embrace these energies, for they hold the secret to the future, a time when Earth will evolve into peace and harmony and men and women will be the lights who walk Earth.

The Magic of Crystals

Heather Robb

Crystals are waking more and more as powerful energies are now on Earth. I find it exciting to see how alive they have become, as many were dormant for eons.

Quantum Consciousness

David Lerner

“Quantum consciousness” is a term some people use to explain consciousness using quantum physics. Others use the term to define consciousness as existing outside matter, energy, space, and time.

The Secret Language of the Universe

Marilyn Harper

Numerology is a very ancient means of receiving divine guidance. It is, quite simply, based on the universal language of numbers.

Embrace Transformation

Phyllis Light

Have you noticed all the changes that have happened in our world over the past few years? Guess what? They’re no accident. Since May 2012, we have been in an incredible period of spiritual transformation.

Practical Dowsing

Dean Fraser

No one is quite sure when dowsing first came into being. Cave paintings suggest that people were dowsing in prehistory. Our ancient ancestors undoubtably knew how to read the land and place their sacred sites in alignment with Earth’s natural energy grid, or ley lines.


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