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Tools for Conscious Living

Discover the Connections in Archetypes, Astrology, and Numerology

Suzanne Ross

When people reach the point of seeking ways to improve their lives both from within and without, they have experienced some type of suffering that has compelled them into action. They seek to resolve inner and outer conditions causing them dis-ease, discontent, and dissatisfaction

Love Is the Only Answer

Phyllis Light

The energy in the world is quite intense and divisive, if you haven’t noticed. I used to stay out of the news and politics of the world because I didn’t want to fill myself with additional negativity.

Develop Joyful 5D Relationships

Ilona Anne Hress

Fifth-dimensional relationships generate freedom and joy. Each relationship is an investment in the interconnected people, places, and kingdoms of nature.

Be Lemurian

Heather Robb

Lemuria is seen as the first place on Earth where people lived in peace and were one with all life. I have seen that it existed at a time before Eden and that, in fact, there were three Lemuria’s, three Earth times — as Earth evolved to what it is today.

Master Zhuang Zhou and Dragon Kundalini

Halo Kim

Recently, I conducted a lecture and a guided meditation incorporating Zhuang Zhou’s theory with Herb Cohen’s You Can Negotiate Anything as part of a Humanities Classics program.

Work Together in Vibrational Completeness

Debbie Anderson

When I was meditating recently, I wondered where to begin if I were to describe vibrational completeness. In this vibrational state of connection, spirit asked me what being complete meant to me, and in open honesty, I said I didn’t really know but sensed it was about balance, being whole.

What Will You Do for Personal Growth?

Debbie Anderson

Yes, we are already in another new year, and there are more milestones and memories to create. In January, did you set your sights on what you would achieve? Did you tell yourselves, “This is the year that I will achieve ‘this’ or ‘that’”? Yes, I am talking about resolutions.

The Magical Mystery Tour of Life: Insights from Cayce, the Gnostics, and Quantum Physics

Peter Canova

Mysteries are slippery things to the rational mind because, by definition, they deal with matters beyond the phenomenal world of the senses. The Greek roots of the word “metaphysical” are meta (after or beyond) and physica (the physical).

Buddha’s Relic

Heather Robb

Long ago in China, a man I will call “Han” (to protect his identity) would dream about the ancient relics hidden in his country. In time, Han gave up his job to follow the calling in his dreams.

Awakening through Reflection

Suzanne Ross

re inherently perfect regardless of the apparently imperfect conditions of our bodies or minds. Regardless of what we have been told or led to believe, inside every one of us is a faultless being just waiting to be revealed in all its glory, power, and unlimited potential.


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