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Tools for Conscious Living

Embrace Your Power

Lynn Andrews

Lynn Andrews’s new book Acts of Power: Daily Teachings for Inspired Living is an intensely personal document that has assumed special significance for contemporary readers, providing them with 365 daily inspirations that offer pivotal insights for living a joyful life.

See with New, Improved Eyes

The Teachers of the Light
Darren Marc

Hello, dear ones. It is with great joy that we greet you. For the channel [Darren], it is early in the morning.

Return to the Garden of Eden

The Ascended Masters
Astaria Seraphina

Return to the Garden of Eden and the pure wholeness of being! Connect back to Source. Re-member who you are and your divine purpose on this planet at this moment right now. Comfort your body with lasers, CBD oils, sacred readings, and empowerments.

Bring Heaven to Earth

Heather Robb

These new times are glorious, as the energies shift and bring us higher into the realms of love and a deeper understanding of our place on this evolving planet we share. We are also reminded time and time again that this is the great shift into the New Earth.

The New Spiritual Chakras

Elizabeth Joyce

We know about the seven chakra energy centers and how to meditate with them. Now it’s time to allow the body and third eye to awaken to the new essentials of life. It’s time to experience the initiation and application of the new spiritual chakras.

You’re Not Crazy, Just Connected

MaryAnn DiMarco

If I could name the single word that is most often repeated when I read for people or work with students, you know, one that isn’t “Spirit” or “medium” or “and” or “the,” it is “crazy.” “I always thought I was a little crazy,” a student might confess, just after perfectly delivering a message fro

Retreat into Your Heart

The Teachers of the Light
Darren Marc

Blessings, dear ones. There is a sun shining in your heart. For some, it’s just a sparkle. But for others, it is so vast that it covers the entire universe and then some. This is the light we wish to help you cultivate. Many of you feel overburdened by the circumstances in your lives.

Help Set the Foundation for the New Jerusalem

Elizabeth Joyce

The New Jerusalem is the heavenly city that the Bible prophesied will exist on the New Earth at the end of time. It is described in detail in Revelation 21:9–27.

People Make a Difference

Here are some short stories that make us think twice about the daily happenings in our lives as we deal with others.

New Ascension Chakras and the 980nm Light

The Ascended Masters
Astaria Seraphina

As a mystic, who is one who uses the third eye (which can see up into the fifth dimension, as it is the dawning of the fifth dimension) rather than the physical eyes of earthlings, what I share with you here is more theoretical seership/research and inner knowing than direct book knowledge or 3D


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