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Tools for Conscious Living

Reviewing & Rewriting Our Contracts

Pia Orleane

The idea of acting under cosmic contracts for our missions here on Earth needs to be re-evaluated during this potent time of transformation.

Get Your Mind in Shape This Spring to Get Your Body in Shape This Summer

Cyndi Dale

We don’t tend to think that prepping for swimwear season is a sport, but for those of us eager to dress for the beach instead of a blizzard, it sure is.

In the World and of the World but Not Bound by It

Dr. Katherine Newburgh

Many of us beings of subtlety and depth feel out of place in this brash and clamoring world. It feels foreign to us.

True Love Knows No Self

TJ Woodward

What can seem even more difficult than making peace with others is the prospect of making peace with ourselves. We are burdened with what we have done or not done. More deeply, many of us have identities that say we are wrong or unlovable.

Are You Willing to Manifest Your Best Life?

Nancy Robinson

Now may be a good time to ask yourself some big questions around manifesting your best life. Are you willing — really willing — to do what it takes to create the joyful life that you want?

Seek Truth and Goodness

Phyllis Light

There is so much chaos and turmoil happening in our world today. You probably have noticed. Some are scared that it will never get better or keep getting worse. There is a lot of fear in the collective, so it is easy to buy into that.

Keeping the Gates of Self

Ellen Meredith

In 2021, when air travel started to open up after the Covid-19 pandemic shutdown, airlines reported greatly increased incidents of aggression, hostility, and violence on the part of passengers.

Five Ways Forgiveness Can Heal Your Heart and Mind

Latoya Shea

Holding a grudge against someone or even yourself can have a profoundly negative impact on your mental health and even cause you to feel out of alignment spiritually. To forgive is to cancel the debit you’ve held on to within.

Bringing Peace to the Hearts of Humanity in 2023 with the 980 Healing Light and Saint Germain

The Ascended Masters through Zadok “RA” Osiris
Astaria Seraphina

Zadok “RA” Osiris: The great solar flares coming to our planet Gaia are now distributing great plasma light, causing humans to look within and clear all that no longer serves them.

The Starseed Guide: An Introduction

Eva Marquez

The Pleiadian star nation is one of the most discussed star nations. The Pleiadians, along with other star nations, seeded Earth eons ago, and their energy is still present today. They never left us or gave up on us, and if you clear your mind and focus, you can feel their love in your heart.


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