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Tools for Conscious Living

Is Your Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Debbie Anderson

“It is wise to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.” I know this proverb has been used many times, but in light of what is transpiring around us and in our world at this particular moment, it seems apt to use it again.

Sacred Journeys in New Zealand

Heather Robb

New Zealand — that small and mystical ancient land in the Southern Hemisphere — has always called to me. I have always felt its ancient song, the song of Lemuria. I feel it has a heartbeat that it shares with Hawaii, and I knew that one day I would go there.

Holding the Light

Phyllis Light

We are experiencing very unusual and stressful times on planet Earth. The light, which has funded us and has been our source and spiritual connection for a very long time, has come under siege.

My Son the Mouse

Lilly Barnes

Once upon a time, Golyga ran into a grasshopper full of self importance.

Activate Your Inner Vision

Catherine Shainberg

This book is about the unconscious. Later I will call it the subconscious. There is a reason for this, which I will explain shortly. How is it possible to write a book about something that, if we take its name at face value, is unknowable?

Ascending into the Fifth Dimension

Maureen St. Germain

The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.

Seeking Our Highest Purpose: Honoring a Suicide Victim

Heather Robb

Max died this week; he chose to end his life and release his family and himself from deep emotional suffering. He had chronic depression for many years, and while he fought each bout with hope for a better life and recovered, the depression returned later to consume him once more.

Spring Equinox: Paradise Sings and All Is within Reach

Donna Ferri

The spring equinox arrives in a cloud of pastel fragrance. Wise in her position on the wheel of the year, nature’s vernal goddess kisses your brow and puffs another sweet breeze your way.

Being in Charge of Your World from the Inside Out

Phyllis Light

A lot of crazy circumstances are taking place in our world today. Whoever thought our governments would tell us to stay home to work or put mandates in place that would cause us to shut down our businesses or lose our jobs?

The Divine Source and Fountain of All Life

The Ascended Masters
Dr. Raja Merk Dove

The Ascended Masters: Many people ask us, “What substance is the Epoch Laser 980nm light made of?” Let us take you by the hand to our Central Temple of Light on the planet Venus.


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