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Tools for Conscious Living

The Healing Power of Qi

Pamela Hansen

The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.

Consciousness Does Matter

Peter Sterling

The title of this article is a double entendre. In part, it refers to an ongoing chicken-or-the-egg debate about which came first, consciousness or matter.

The Gift of Merging with God

Heather Robb

This morning, I united with MotherFather God. We can all do this when we open our hearts, but this experience taught me so much about the nature of God that I wanted to share it with you

The Ark of the New Earth

Dr. Katherine Newburgh

What must Noah have felt when he set out to build his ark? Day after day under the burning Sun in a place far from the sea, he built his boat from the ground up: ribs, mast, ballast. Noah built like a man possessed, feverish with an inner knowing.

The Power of Intent

Heather Robb

Bella, a palliative care nurse, came to see me the other day. “I don’t know what’s wrong,” she said. “I surround myself with white light, but I am totally drained by the end of the day. My patients take so much out of me.” I hear this so often.

Back to the Future

Pamela Hansen

One of my favorite movies is Back to the Future, starring Michael J. Fox. I always wanted a time-traveling DeLorean that could transport me back in time and into the future to visit other worlds.

Create Personal Happiness and a Better World

Phyllis Light

We are all challenged, particularly in today’s world, to trust that “it will all work out.” Sometimes when things look really bad, it’s easy to succumb to negativity and despair.

Visions and Dreams: Gateways to the New Earth

Heather Robb

I found myself walking down a pathway winding between trees until I felt directed to stand before a deep, still pool. Flowers adorned its perimeter, and its serenity stilled my soul. On the far side stood a tall jardiniere, and I felt directed to walk to it; I knew a gift lay deep inside.

Grow Your Happiness Quotient

Judy Smith

When I was nine, I had an argument that left me sad and shaken. Feeling as if my nine-year-old world was crashing, I walked outside and saw my bicycle propped up against the wall. I hopped on, and after a few minutes of riding, I was happy as a clam

Fast Spirituality

Nina Verkoeyen

Can an unhealthy addiction to spiritual practices hinder true spiritual progress?


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