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Tools for Conscious Living

Create an Energetic Connection beyond Physical Life

Mona Khad

Most people reading this likely agree there is life beyond physical death, but not all would agree on how to maintain connection with our loved ones after their departure. There are two elements to consider:

The GPS of Consciousness

Dawn C. Meyer

“Come on, just pick one!’’ Have you ever been frozen in your inability to make a choice? Where does that come from? Maybe it stems from childhood, being told what to do instead of being asked what you wanted.

Find Your Divine Fate

Cornelis Reiman

Being a healer is a long way from what I was trained to do at university or the experience that followed. Life had other plans. Years of working in the corporate sector and academia seemed an unlikely background for a healer, but that's what happened to me.

You Are Magnificent

Deborah Morrison

Have you ever gone outside at night and looked up at the stars?

Just as one humble soul on this wondrous orb called Earth,
on a timeless summer's night, gazing, with an open mind and open heart,
into the vastness of eternity?

Allies and Totems: Parrot and Watermelon Tourmaline

Margaret Ann Lembo

Everything is energy and has a vibration. Each gemstone has mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical teachings within it based on its color, structure, and growth process (way of becoming that mineral or stone). Every animal, insect, plant, bird, or fish has a teaching as well.

Memory as Creation

Patrick Garlinger

You all use memory for the creation of a world that you experienced at a particular moment in time and space and have since begun to experience in different ways. Yes, memory is a powerful form of creation, one of your most basic forms that you use to manipulate time and space.

Spiritual Fatigue: the Frequencies Aren't Helping

Phyllis Light

In my role as spiritual teacher and healer, I do my best to keep my finger on the pulse of what is going on spiritually for all of us on planet Earth. I watch what people go through, receive information from my higher guidance, and feel and observe what is going on within me.

How Do We Recognize the Bringers of Light?

Mary Rodwell

The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.

Be More Than You Expect from Yourself

Jenine Beecher

Josefa "Juanita" Loaiza was hanged in Downieville, California, on July 5, 1851. She was the first and only woman to be hanged in California's history. I met Josefa in June 2016. The following information is an account of our conversations.

A Psychic Reiki Healing Experience

Brett Bevell

Reiki is perhaps the world's most popular form of energy healing, first sourced by the late Japanese mystic Mikao Usui.


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