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Tools for Conscious Living

Book Excerpt: What People Don’t Understand about Life

Neale Donald Walsch

How is it possible for 7 billion human beings to all want the same thing — safety, security, peace, prosperity, opportunity, happiness, and love — yet be unable to produce it for any but the tiniest percentage, even after thousands of years of trying?

Book Excerpt: Simply Profound!

Andrea Butje

Two of the most popular reasons people use essential oils is for relaxation and balance. It seems that every day researchers discover new evidence that stress is harmful for your body and well-being. When you’re stressed or upset, your body doesn’t rest, digest, or rejuvenate as easily.

Extraordinary Senses in Common Situations

Charles Shahar

By virtue of their sentience, people emit all kinds of emotional and mental projections that have a very real effect on the subtle bodies (auras) of others. People often register these subtle vibrations unconsciously. You do not have to see the actual energy interactions to get a sense of them.

Use Carnelian for Creativity and Action

Margaret Ann Lembo

Are you involved in a creative project or thinking about starting one? In many ways, we are always about to create something. It might be a delicious meal, or perhaps you want to rearrange your living room or your desk.

Lock into the Hum

Sara Wiseman

When you follow divine guidance, you experience life differently. You recognize that all the plans you have made and all the thoughts you are thinking are ways of moving through this reality we call life. Most of the world moves this way.

An Invisible Threat to Our Physical and Spiritual Well-Being

Phyllis Light

Do you feel well in general? Do you sleep well? Do you have plenty of energy to tackle your daily routine? Or is the majority of your time spent fighting colds, allergies, headaches, or even depression, irritability, or stress?

Choose Clarity over Chaos

Karinna Nielsen

Everything you have in life can be taken from you except one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

— Viktor Frankl

The Transforming Power of Egypt

Donna Wozniak

I am an avid reader of the Sedona Journal of Emergence and wish to share some amazing experiences I had in Egypt that continue to make my head spin. My daughter, Lisa, and I have just returned from a pilgrimage to Egypt with Rae Chandran.

Uninvited Frequencies Challenge Our Freedom

Phyllis Light

I truly believe that freedom is an inside job. It is important to free our minds and hearts from the old negative programming that’s been driving us for so long.

Our High-Tech World and the High Cost to Our Well-Being

Phyllis Light

Life today is vastly different from life only a generation ago. The changes that have taken place bring overwhelming challenges that none of us has ever had to face. Technology has taken over many aspects of modern life, and we have come to accept it as normal.


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