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Tools for Conscious Living

Ask How Best to Be

Michael Goddart

The two primary forces that will characterize 2019 are increased turbulence and enhanced opportunities for grace. The turbulence will be political, weather, environmental, and emotional, as well as the movement of distressed people.

Black Obsidian: Inner Reflection and Focus

Margaret Ann Lembo

Black obsidian is a natural glass composed of at least two-thirds silica and formed during the cooling of molten lava. Black obsidian helps you dredge up emotions that are buried deep within you.

Healing the Emotional Body

Karinna Nielsen

A while ago, a friend was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. She and her family tried everything they could to heal it. They tried the medical world, alternative therapies, hands-on healing, and special diets, but the cancer wouldn’t go away.

Every Interaction Is a Lesson

Paul Hudon

I was speaking with a friend about the lessons we learn from the people we encounter in our lives. Few of these people consider themselves to be teachers, but they are teaching us important lessons. I have come to accept that all people are teachers with lessons for our growth.

Practice Meditation to Empower Your Lifestyle

Jenine Beecher

Meditation acts as a compass to guide our paths, helping us to better know ourselves. When we meditate, our energy is firmly rooted in the present, creating the space for us to connect with our intuition.

Transform the Dream of Security: Discovering I Am

Alberto Villoldo

Before we lived in towns, we found safety and security around the village campfire. The dancing flames kept the dark at bay and the large animals away.

The Science of Precognition

Theresa Cheung

“Precognition” is the scientific name for abilities that have to do with knowing or using information about the future without drawing on information from the five senses, memory, or logic. Premonitions are one of those abilities. A premonition is a feeling or a sense about a future event.

Explore the Flavors of Sedona, Arizona

Robin Hinz

I recently visited the town of Sedona, Arizona, one of my favorite places and one in which I have extensive family ties. Regardless of your worldview, Sedona is a magical place that instills relaxation and renewal of spirit.

A Moment in Time, a Moment in Thought

Cathleen L. Balfour

In the rhythm of our daily lives and the perceived busyness of the day, we forget to live in the moment. Most of you have heard how important it is to live in the now. Eckhart Tolle said, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.

Copper: a Conduit for Goodness, Prosperity, and Love

Margaret Ann Lembo

What kind of bandwidth are you working with? Are you receiving a clear signal and comprehensible messages from others and the universe? Every once in a while, it is good to clear your channel and allow wisdom to flow through you.


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