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Accept Mastery in 2021 and Beyond

Accept Mastery in 2021 and Beyond The New Ascended Masters through Maurene Watson

Many of you accepted your quantum mastery in 2020, and many more of you will follow rapidly in the five to ten years ahead. The last act before accepting mastery is a sacred moment throughout the cosmos. It is a private moment between a light master and divine presence, during which the light master remembers and accepts who he or she really is as a divine being. She or he takes off the masks and lays down limitation, illusion, and fear forever. She returns to her core essence wrapped in a core biosphere of light and with an expanded capacity to create. She knows what she is: one vessel, one heart, one life, and one new cosmic being ready to adventure in a new cosmic cycle of life with embodied applications.

The comfort blanket of playing in a distorted creation story of separation and competition for life is over. Being guided by the appearances of safe forces outside the master code blueprint of your unique soul-spirit essence bond is also over. There is only that intimate moment when you give yourself back to the presence of the cosmos. You will remember and re-realize you are first a divine, eternal, and unique soul being.

You will again know that Creation wants you to accept all that life has to offer without any need to justify or validate your existence or experience. Again, this involves a private moment between a master and divine presence, when you remember and accept who you really are as a divine being. Here, you take off the masks and lay down limitation, illusion, and fear forever. There is a grand ceremony and celebration throughout the heart of creation in such a moment. Indeed, in your final moment, you yield while laughing and crying, and you take responsibility for absolutely everything you created.
