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Benefit from Living Right Now

Benefit from Living Right Now The Council of 12 through Selacia

Living right now has unique benefits. You are more likely to receive the gifts of this life when you understand what the gifts are and how they can change your evolutionary path in a radical way. Here is some background on a few of the opportunities you have because you are alive now.

In this past year alone, you have had an unprecedented exposure to new ideas and approaches. No other lifetime offered you the vast array of learning and spiritual development available today. You have access to more wisdom, teachers, and spiritual leaders than at any other time in history. You benefit from the presence of these beings on the planet regardless of whether you personally meet them. When you study with even one of these teachers and apply what you learn, you open yourself to a great acceleration of awakening.

New Understandings and New Healing Methods Abound

New healing modalities abound, providing fresh approaches to wellness, actual changes in DNA, and deep spiritual transformation that can catapult you into a higher vibration. The process of healing is quickened too. The amount of personal transformation you are able to achieve this lifetime is unlike anything possible before. In a typical earlier historical period, a person might have focused on healing elements of one or two issues. To completely resolve an issue in one lifetime was rare.
