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All Things Are Sacred

Supreme Creator Goddess
Luanne Cadden

This is the place of beginnings. It moves with the place of endings. It is a heart realization that all things and beings are sacred. All is created by me in love of All That Is, making all things sacred. This is where you find the place of you. Earth and all living beings are sacred.

All Is Coming Together

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Mahatma Gandhi and Mother of Light and Shockara Starbeings
Blue Turtle

Shakara Starbeings: Beloved Earth beings, already you might be feeling the enormous changes arising in your environment and neighborhood on your part of Earth. You are preparing to live and dream in new ways that you never anticipated or imagined.

Prepare for Transmigration

Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

The energetic system of the human 2.0 template operates on a closed, finite bi-wave configuration meant for our phase-locked experience of life in 3D density and the 4D corridor.

Follow through with Faith

Angels and Yeshua
Denise Bennett, PhD

Yeshua and Angels, what message do you have for students of light and love?

Embrace a Vertical Mindset

The Galactic Council
Kenton David Bell

Good morning. As you know, a big shift is happening. We’re here to tell you about some of the attributes of these new energies.

Lift the Veil

El Morya
and Michael
Melanie Beckler

Greetings. We connect with you in this moment as three points of light around your energy field, simultaneously broadcasting light, frequency, and energetic support.

A Blank Canvas Awaits Your Creation

Kenton David Bell

Good day. We thank you for your invitation, as we must be invited to share with you. Without your desire and request, we have no need to come forward. This is a clue to how everything works, which is becoming more obvious to those of you who pay attention and read between the lines.

Pick Up Where You Left Off

Yeshua and Angels
Denise Bennett, PhD

Yeshua and Angels, what message do you have for students of light and love? Let us remind you of your exceptional gifts and inherent wisdom as children of God. You hear our words, but the overbearing ego [fear] rushes them from one ear through to the other.

The Sword of Truth

the Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

You might have a sense that you are “here” again as we traverse space, time, and dimensions within one-year, three-year, five-year, and twelve-year time cycles, inclusive of stellar alignments, portal and stargate access, and varying waves of frequencies.

Everybody Matters to God

Shockara Starbeings
Mother of Light
Mahatma Gandhi
and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

Shockara Starbeings: Beloved Earth beings, we are so excited that so many of you are interested in and advocating for space travel and cosmic journeying. The inner and outer worlds together comprise such an extraordinary experience and vibration.


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