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Only Light Will Remain

Only Light Will Remain Archangel Michael through Ronna

Beloved masters, as surely as you live and breathe, you are helping to create either heaven or hell on Earth. Many of you might feel as if you vacillate somewhere in between. No matter what you believe or how you interpret ancient teachings, heaven is a state of mind or consciousness and not somewhere “out there” in the higher dimensions. It is not a final destination or a place you could be eligible to go when you transcend and leave your present physical vessel. It is a state of consciousness that you create and exist in no matter where you have been, are now, or will go in the future. You came from a heavenly place, and you brought love and light with you, along with the ability to create a heavenly environment, no matter what dimension, world, or reality you have chosen to experience.

Hell on Earth is what many of you have been experiencing over these many thousands of years since humanity’s fall into a semiconscious state. You have been living in an unreal world where you are steeped in feelings of fear, superstition, shame, guilt, and unworthiness. You have allowed others to tell you how to think and act, and you have allowed those you thought were wiser than you to take away your power and control your lives. A maelstrom of negative thought forms created by the masses has kept you imprisoned in a world of illusion.

Your real world was designed to be crisp, clear, free-flowing, and harmonious whereby you would traverse the middle path with a few obstacles and challenges in your way, a beautiful world of peace and plenty where you would be free to cocreate in cooperation and harmony with your fellow brothers and sisters on the journey, a place where you would be connected to all levels of consciousness while attuned to all the facets of creation within the first four dimensional levels, and a place designed to provide a heavenly existence on the material plane. Remember, your mission is to experience the realm of physicality so that the Creator could also experience this wondrous facet of its creative process.
